So, this week has been a little crazy! The company that hosts my website had a hard drive fail & it took some time for the backup to get everyone running. This left my website down for 2 days! :( If you are waiting on a gallery, everyone will be posted by Monday. I have 19 mini sessions tomorrow and will be away from my phone during that time. Feel free to leave me a message or send me an email and I will get back in touch with you as soon as possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being so patient with me. Also, please keep my son in your prayers. We will begin new tests in a week and are praying that we get to the bottom of this. Well, this wouldn't be complete without a picture. So, here is baby Sam! His mother is like a sister to me...doesn't that make me an aunt? Anyways, here he is less than 1 day old. Isn't he precious? You will be seeing lots of him in the future!