Friday, February 20, 2009

~Valentine's Day Wedding~

I went to my church on Valentine's Day to capture some pictures at a wedding. These guys were a blast to be around. Congratulations! Here is your sneak peek...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baby Sam

The latest of baby Sam!! I know you have been patiently waiting! Love you guys :)

Man time, already?

Beautiful Family!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sneak Peek

This is a sneak peek for mom! She was too cute in her little dress. Mom, cherish these moments. They will go by so fast. I will be enrolling Brayden in PreK at the end of the month. I am still trying to prepare myself for that! You guys know how much I appreciate you all! I pray many blessings upon you all!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chad & Jill

I can only think of one word to describe this wedding. That would be love. I know, that is what you would describe all weddings by. Although, at this wedding it was so obvious the love that these two are surrounded by. I had a hard time choosing which ones to post. Check them out...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Baby X 2

I have been busy, busy! I managed to neglect this blog during that time. So, I have a lot of catching up to do. This week I hope to show some of the recent work that I have been doing. Also, sign up to receive newsletters on the website. The last one included $50 off. Each one will include some *fabulous* discounts.
Ok, I visited one of my good friends and her family. I cannot say enough good things about them that would truly do them justice. I think she looks *awesome* prego (with twins)! They inspire me as a Christian. Both of their hearts are completely sold out to our Savior. I couldn’t be more proud to call them friends. So….check them out!