Thursday, October 30, 2008


Ok guys…this post contains exciting information. First of all, anyone that knows me well is aware of how much I love Mexican food. I ate so much when I was prego I was certain that Brayden would never even look at a taco in his lifetime. He surprised us, because our little man loves some RICE from any Mexican restaurant. I sometimes joke that he could live on RICE alone. Although, I know that this is not true!
RICE has begun to be a lot more to me than a Mexican side item. Kevin and I are blessed to have amazing people all around us. God has us lined up for some opportunities that we could not have imagined. He recently introduced us to RICE. What is this? This is a ministry that is devoted to Reaching India Children Essentially. I have every intention of traveling to India in 2010 as the photographer and I couldn’t be more excited about the opportunity. Angela and Casey are returning to India in February 2009 and they need our help. They are destined to feed the children in India, rescue many young girls from brothels, distribute Bibles and support working pastors in many struggling villages. The expense of a trip like this could be overwhelming, especially in times like these. I know times are tough for everyone, but I am continually learning that when you are lead to do something you must act on it.
So, I know you guys are going to help me out!
Here are the yummy details:
Holiday Mini Sessions
November 22, 2008
Sessions 9am to 4pm
30 minute sessions
Sessions can be outside or inside. We have some cute props ready!
All sessions will be held at Kimball Tabernacle of Praise fellowship hall.
Limited Spaces Available!
~Package A~ One 8x10, Two 5x7s, 8 Wallets (One Pose) $25
~Package B~ One 8x10, Two 5x7s, 48 Wallets(One Pose) $45
~Additional Items~ Sheets $8.00 each & CD of all proofs $75

These are all discounted rates. All profits will go straight to RICE. Angela will be around all day if you would like to learn more about RICE or check out their site!
Also, I will be drawing some names for some additional free products at the end of the day! Don’t miss out on this!
*UPDATE* At this time, only session times left are 10:00am, 10:30am and 1:00pm until 3:30pm.

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