Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mom & Me

The perfect opportunity to capture the bond between mother and child. What more could you ask for on Mother’s Day? Reserve your spot today!!
Session Info: We will have approximately 30 minutes together to capture the beautiful bond of mother and child. Feel free to use this time as a family “mini” session or children only “mini” session. Don’t miss out on this beautiful location!!

Date: Saturday, March 28th. Weather permitting. If cancellation is required you will be notified by 8:00am. I will also reserve a make-up date at this location if we must cancel.

Location: Reflection Riding located in Lookout Valley near the Chattanooga Nature Center . Take a look at the website
www.reflectionriding.org . Don’t miss out on this beautiful location!
Ordering: All proofs will be available on Monday, April 6th. Order & payment deadline is Sunday, April 19th. Order delivery will be Friday, May 1st. This will allow you plenty of time to package for Mother’s Day. Please contact me for gift packaging and wrapping.
Last, I need your help. Pick one...

Or Black & White??

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Whats going on?

*As many of you know, I am always having issues with my computer. Well, this weekend it started again! Soooo...I now have a new computer! I am working on getting some files uploaded, changed, etc. Things may be a little slow during this transfer, but I am hoping to eliminate a lot of downtime.
*Drum Roll...please!! I now have someone helping me with all of the paperwork/office end of things. Nikki has stepped in to help me before I get over my head. I could not be more thankful! She is very precise and structured. I know she is going to be a huge asset to this business. I plan on doing a blog of her and her family soon! So, stay tuned...
*I will have a huge window display going up next week. Keep your eyes open..you don't want to miss it!
*KTOP galleries will be posted on Wednesday.
*Next week, I will release the details of some special sessions during this year. I am very excited about them!!
*April/May sessions are very limited. Please contact me on these months before all dates are gone. :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

NBC Gala

Hello Everyone! Just as an update, all proofs from the gala will be available on Sunday at 7:00pm. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Blessings!

Friday, February 20, 2009

~Valentine's Day Wedding~

I went to my church on Valentine's Day to capture some pictures at a wedding. These guys were a blast to be around. Congratulations! Here is your sneak peek...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baby Sam

The latest of baby Sam!! I know you have been patiently waiting! Love you guys :)

Man time, already?

Beautiful Family!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sneak Peek

This is a sneak peek for mom! She was too cute in her little dress. Mom, cherish these moments. They will go by so fast. I will be enrolling Brayden in PreK at the end of the month. I am still trying to prepare myself for that! You guys know how much I appreciate you all! I pray many blessings upon you all!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chad & Jill

I can only think of one word to describe this wedding. That would be love. I know, that is what you would describe all weddings by. Although, at this wedding it was so obvious the love that these two are surrounded by. I had a hard time choosing which ones to post. Check them out...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Baby X 2

I have been busy, busy! I managed to neglect this blog during that time. So, I have a lot of catching up to do. This week I hope to show some of the recent work that I have been doing. Also, sign up to receive newsletters on the website. The last one included $50 off. Each one will include some *fabulous* discounts.
Ok, I visited one of my good friends and her family. I cannot say enough good things about them that would truly do them justice. I think she looks *awesome* prego (with twins)! They inspire me as a Christian. Both of their hearts are completely sold out to our Savior. I couldn’t be more proud to call them friends. So….check them out!